Web Updates:

11/03/23: I am now starting to insert gif, graphics, and images to this page. If it is not mine, I will do everything I can to have a link to all images of where I originally found it. I am still new to this, so I will try to be as careful as possible when using images. Maybe there is a better way than linking directly on image. If anybody has any pointers, I would love to take advice. Also if anyone sees an image that is theirs that they do not want meto use, let me know. I have added a chatbox to the corner. I will eventually make an entire credit page or disclaimer citing all of those that helped with the page.

11/01/23: Hello, everyone. My name is Trash Panda. I started becoming interested in learning coding and stumbled upon neocities. I made this page to practice coding so I can make it for my band page.

My partner, Gutter Skunk, and I started a musical project called Hermit Crab. This is a duo consisting of saxophone, keys, bass, electronic drums and vocals. We have finished recording our first album but are waiting for our friend to do the final mix. As soon as I code hermitcrab.info, I will have links to the website as well as our album when it is released. We are planning to release our album on bandcamp. This is all still a work in progress. I started making this personal website to give practice coding skills. The formatting for this site will most definitely change. My overall plan is to fill this site with my own personal blog updates of my interests and adventures. I intend for this place to look trashy.

I will be working on this site and also the Hermit Crab site, so bear with me. I will have more updates in the coming days.